среда, 10 января 2018 г.

Разработка занятия по теме: "NOBODY NEEDS A GUN"


1.      Thomas Hamilton was shooting at the secondary school.
2.      The gunman fired over one hundred and five shots.
3.      Part-time PE teacher Eileen Harrild was killed.
4.      The murder burst into the gym at 9:30.
5.      All children and teachers in the store room were injured.

2.       Read the text and answer the questions.
What is it going to take for America to get the message? How many more young lives are we going to see wasted? How can the pro-gun lobby in the USA still have such a powerful voice? After the Dunblane massacre here in 1996, gun control laws, which were already strict, were tightened further. There was a nationwide amnesty on handguns. Many who had guns, for whatever reason, gave them up. They were sick of what guns were capable of. People even questioned whether shooting should remain an Olympic sport. Dunblane shocked the whole nation and the effect remains to this day.
But in the US, politicians are more worried about upsetting the pro-gun groups and losing votes than protecting innocent people! Ordinary citizens argue that they should be free to arm and defend themselves in accordance with the “Second Amendment”. Defend themselves against who? The country isn’t under attack! The civil war ended over 200 years ago!
Most people in Britain have never seen or handled a real gun – even our police don’t carry them – but in America you can buy one on a Saturday afternoon shopping trip. What has happened to a country that it can carry on with one massacre after another and do nothing? We’re supposed  to be ‘cousins’ but the family resemblance is not very strong any more. I don’t recognize their culture. A country that can’t ban guns has lost its head, and its soul.
1.      What is the overall tone of the article -  anger, sarcasm, sympathy, something else?
2.      If you were an American, would you take offence at this article?
3.      How does the writer compare the Dunblane massacre to the Columbine massacre?

Weapon, illegal, outlawed, lives, in self-defence
1.      I think guns should be made ………….
2.      If guns were……………, then only criminals would have them.
3.      Guns don’t take ……………… . People do.
4.      Anything can be used as a lethal ………………… A gun is simply one of them.
5.      I think someone is only justified in using a gun……………………

Do guns have any positive roles in society? Use the expressions to help you to express your ideas.
If we didn’t have guns, we wouldn’t have….
It’s because of guns that we…..
I’m not in favour of guns, but I must admit….


1.      Anybody can buy a gun –
2.      Some teenagers carry guns around –
3.      I wouldn’t use a gun –
4.      Hardly anybody carries a gun in Britain –
5.      I think guns should be banned completely –

a.       they even take them to school.
b.      even toy ones.
c.       even kids can buy them.
d.      even if I was attacked.

e.       not even the police.

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